
NGDAnno Options

This section contains descriptions of NGDAnno command line options.

-f (Execute Commands File)

-f command_file

The -f option executes the command line arguments in the specified command_file. For more information on the -f option, see the “-f Option” section of the “Introduction” chapter.

-o (Output File Name)

-o out_file[.nga]

The -o option specifies the output design file in NGA format. The .nga extension is optional. The output file name and its location are determined in this way.

If the output file already exists, it is overwritten with the new NGA file.

-p (PCF File)

-p pcf_file.pcf

The -p option allows you to specify a PCF (Physical Constraints) file as input to NGDAnno. You only need to specify a constraints file if it contains the following.

Prorating constraints and prorated delays are described in the “OFFSET Timing Specifications” section of the “Using Timing Constraints” chapter.

-s (Change Speed)

-s [speed]

The -s option instructs NGDAnno to annotate the device speed you specify to the NGA file.

The device speed can be entered with or without the leading dash. For example, both -s 3 and -s -3 are allowable entries.

Some architectures support the -s min option. This option instructs NGDAnno to annotate a minimum delay, rather than a maximum worst-case delay, to the NGA file. The command line syntax is the following.

-s min

-s -min is not an allowable entry.


Settings made with the -s min option override any prorated timing analysis.
