
Concurrent Procedure Calls

A concurrent procedure call is a procedure call used as a concurrent statement; it is used in an architecture or a block, rather than in a process. A concurrent procedure call is equivalent to a process containing a single sequential procedure call. The syntax is the same as that of a sequential procedure call.

   procedure_name [  ( [ name => ] expression    
                        { , [ name => ] expression } ) ] ;

The equivalent process is sensitive to all in and inout parameters of the procedure. The example below shows a procedure declaration, then a concurrent procedure call and its equivalent process.

    procedure ADD(signal A, B: in BIT;     
                  signal SUM: out BIT);    
    ADD(A, B, SUM);    -- Concurrent procedure call    
    process(A, B)      -- The equivalent process    
       ADD(A, B, SUM); -- Sequential procedure call    
    end process;

Foundation Express implements procedure and function calls with logic, unless you use the map_to_entity compiler directive. (See the “Mapping Subprograms to Components (Entities)” section of the “Sequential Statements” chapter.)

A common use for concurrent procedure calls is to obtain many copies of a procedure. For example, a class of BIT_VECTOR signals must contain only one bit with value 1 and the rest of the bits with value 0. You have several signals of varying widths that you want monitored at the same time. One approach is to write a procedure to detect the error in a BIT_VECTOR signal, then make a concurrent call to that procedure for each signal.

The following example shows a procedure CHECK that determines whether a given bit vector contains exactly one element with value '1'; if this is not the case, CHECK sets its out parameter ERROR to TRUE.

    procedure CHECK(signal A:      in BIT_VECTOR;     
                    signal ERROR: out Boolean) is    
      variable FOUND_ONE: Boolean := FALSE;    
                                -- Set TRUE when a '1'     
                                -- is seen    
       for I in A'range loop    -- Loop across all bits    
                                --   in the vector    
          if A(I) = '1' then    -- Found a '1'    
             if FOUND_ONE then  -- Have we already found one?    
                ERROR <= TRUE;  -- Found two '1's    
                return;         -- Terminate procedure    
             end if;    
             FOUND_ONE := TRUE; -- Note that we have    
          end if;               --   seen a '1'    
       end loop;    
       ERROR <= not FOUND_ONE;  -- Error will be TRUE    
                                --   if no '1' found    

The example below shows the CHECK procedure called concurrently for four differently sized bit vector signals. The resulting circuit is shown in the figure following the example.

   BLK: block    
     signal S1: BIT_VECTOR(0 to 0);    
     signal S2: BIT_VECTOR(0 to 1);    
     signal S3: BIT_VECTOR(0 to 2);    
     signal S4: BIT_VECTOR(0 to 3);    
     signal E1, E2, E3, E4: Boolean;    
     CHECK(S1, E1);  -- Concurrent procedure call    
     CHECK(S2, E2);    
     CHECK(S3, E3);    
     CHECK(S4, E4);    
   end block BLK; 

Figure 7.5 Circuit for Concurrent Procedure Calls
