
NGDBuild Syntax

The following command reads the design into the Xilinx Development system and converts it to an NGD file.

ngdbuild [options] design_name [ngd_file[.ngd]]

Options can be any number of the NGDBuild options listed in the “NGDBuild Options” section. They do not need to be listed in any particular order. Separate multiple options with spaces.

Design_name is the top-level name of the design file you want to convert.To ensure the design is processed correctly, specify a file extension for the input file. Use one of the legal file extensions specified in the “Input Files” section. Using an incorrect or nonexistent file extension causes NGDBuild to fail without creating an NGD file. If you use an incorrect file extension, NGDBuild may issue an “unexpanded” error.

Ngd_file[.ngd] is the output file in NGD format. The output file name, its extension, and its location are determined as follows.
