
Opening an Existing Design File

To open an existing design file while you are in the EPIC window follow this procedure.

  1. From the File menu, select Open.

    The Open Design dialog box appears.

    Figure 3.2 Open Design Dialog Box

  2. In the Design File field, enter the name of the .ncd file you want to open, or click the Browse button to specify the design file name and directory.

  3. Optionally, enter a constraints file name in the Constraints File field, or click the Browse button to specify the constraints file name and directory.

    If you do not enter a file name in the Constraints File field, EPIC looks for a constraints file with the same name as the .ncd file but with a.pcf extension.

  4. Select a Mode for the design.

    The options are: Read Only, Read Write, or No Logic Changes. The default is No Logic Changes. To always edit an existing design file in Read Write Mode, enter the following command in the epic.ini or epicuser.ini initialization files.

    setattr main edit mode read-write

  5. If you want to save the design currently in the EPIC window, leave the Save current file button selected. If you do not want to save changes, deselect the button.

  6. Click OK.

The design file you specified is loaded in the EPIC window.
