
File Menu

The File menu commands perform operations on design files and macro library files. The commands on the File menu are the following.

Creates a new design file. Clears the present design from the EPIC window and loads a new design file.
Opens an existing design file. Clears the present design from the EPIC window and loads an existing design file.
Saves the design currently in the EPIC window to disk, as its present name. Also saves the constraints file, if constraints were changed. The original design remains in the EPIC window. If editing a macro, it saves the macro to a file but does not save the constraints file.
Save As
Specifies the name for the new design and constraint files. Saves the design currently in the EPIC window as a new name. Also saves the constraints file, if constraints were changed. Loads this new file into the EPIC window.
Save As Macro
Saves the design file in the EPIC window as a macro library file. After you specify a new filename, this new file is loaded and EPIC is placed into macro mode.
New Macro
Creates a new macro library file. Clears the present design from the EPIC window, loads a new macro library file and places EPIC in macro mode.
Open Macro
Specifies the name of a existing macro library file to open. Clears the present design from the EPIC window, loads the existing macro library file and places EPIC in macro mode.
Exits EPIC. If you made changes to the design since last saving it, a dialog box asks if you want to save the latest changes.
