
Macros Menu

The Macros menu commands perform a number of operations when EPIC is in macro mode that is, when you are creating or editing a macro library file. The Macros menu commands perform the following functions.

These commands can only be performed when EPIC is in Macro Mode. In Design Mode, all of the entries still appear, but the commands cannot be executed. The commands on the Macros menu are as follows.

Add External Pin
Designates that a selected component pin is an external pin. The pin can be connected to external nets after the macro is instantiated in a design file.
List External Pins
Lists all external pins specified in the macro library file.
Set Reference Comp
Designates a selected macro component as the macro's reference component. If the macro has at least one pre-placed component, it will have a reference component. When you place, move, or copy a macro, you select a site for the reference component, and all of the other components are then located relative to the reference component.
Get Reference Comp
Displays the name of the reference component in the history area.
