
Working with Physical Macros

A physical macro is a logical function that has been created from components of a specific device family. Physical macros are stored in NMC files. In addition to components and nets, the file can also contain placement, routing information or both. A macro can be unplaced, partially placed, or fully placed. It can also be unrouted, partially routed, or fully routed.

A physical macro is created when EPIC is in Macro Mode. You can also create a macro by building a design in Design Mode, then saving the design as a macro.

After you create a macro library file, you can instantiate this macro into your design in EPIC. When you instantiate a macro, you copy the contents of the library file into the design file. In the design file, the macro loses its link to the library file, and if you change the library file, these changes are not reflected in the instantiated macro in the design file.

You can also instantiate the macro into a schematic drawing, by entering a block in the schematic, configuring the block appropriately, and placing a reference to the .nmc file in the schematic.

This chapter describes how you create or edit macros, and how you use the macros you create.

Figure 5.1 Macro Library Files and Macro Instances
