
Customizing Push Buttons

You can customize the push button panel when EPIC first starts up or at any time the EPIC window is open.

When EPIC first starts up, the software looks at a file called epic.ini. This file is described in the section titled “Initialization Commands”. One function of the epic.ini file is to set the default push buttons appearing in the push button panel when the EPIC window opens. You can also create a file called epicuser.ini to modify or add to the epic.ini file. Using a text editor, you can put the push buttons that you use often in the epicuser.ini file.

You can also change push buttons while the EPIC window is open. You create and eliminate push buttons by using the button and unbutton commands. Any changes made during the current EPIC session will not be saved for later sessions. These commands are described in the chapter entitled The Command Line Syntax.
