
Command Scripts

A script is a series of commands that you can record and play back.

To record a script.

  1. If the script commands will act on an object or series of objects, and these objects will change each time you perform the script, select one series of objects on which the script will act.

  2. Select Record from the Scripts pull-down menu.

    This Script Record dialog box appears.

    Figure 7.1 Script Record Dialog Box

  3. Specify a name for the script file you will record in this way.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Perform the desired series of commands from the EPIC Command Line dialog box, the pull-down menus, and so forth.


    The Script Record dialog box does not allow nested scripts; that is, if you attempt to record a script within a script using the Script Record dialog box, you will get an error message in the EPIC Command Line dialog box. You can, however, manually edit a script file, adding playback script_name.

  6. To finish recording the script, select End Record from the Scripts pull-down menu.

To play back a script.

  1. If the script commands are performed on selected objects, select the object or objects on which the script will act.

  2. Select Playback from the Scripts pull-down menu.

    This Script Playback dialog box appears.

    Figure 7.2 Script Playback Dialog Box

  3. Specify the name of the script file to play back in this way.

  4. Select or deselect toggle buttons in the dialog box as desired. The buttons perform these functions.

    Ignore post commands
    If selected, dialog boxes resulting from commands in the script are not posted as the script plays back.
    If deselected, each dialog box resulting from a command in the script is posted as the script plays back. These dialog boxes remain posted after playback is finished.
    Whether dialog boxes are posted or not, the commands invoked by the dialog boxes will still be performed.
    Update display
    If selected, updates the display in the EPIC window every time a command that would normally redraw the window is performed during script playback.
    If deselected, only updates the display in the EPIC window after playback is finished.
    Show commands
    If selected, commands appear in the history area as they are performed when the script plays back.
    If deselected, the only commands that appear in the history area are the commands indicating the script playback has started and has ended.
    If commands are written into the history area, you can then scroll through the history area to view these commands.

  5. Select OK or Apply. The commands in the script are performed on the selected object or objects. You can interrupt the script playback operation with Control-C. The mouse must be in the edit area.
