
Examining the Routed Calc Design with EPIC


This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with your schematic entry tool and the Xilinx Design Manager. It also assumes that you have implemented the Calc design tutorial for your particular entry tool. If you are not familiar with these tools or have not implemented your design, complete the tutorials for those tools prior to proceeding or see the Quick Start Guide.

If you would like to see how the Calc design has been implemented by the Xilinx software, you can take a graphic look at your placed and routed design using the Editor for Programmable Integrated Circuits, or EPIC. You can access EPIC from the Xilinx Design Manager.

EPIC provides several useful functions, such as:

For more detailed information on EPIC, see the various other chapters in this manual.


These instructions are written specifically for the Calc tutorial. If you wish to use another design to perform this tutorial, substitute appropriate block and net names from your design in the instructions that follow.
