CPLD WebPACK Overview and Readme Files

WebPACK is a free, downloadable design entry and implementation system for developing Xilinx CPLD designs on PCs.

WebPACK consist of the following modules that can be installed and used independently or in conjunction:

Please review the document pages under each of the links above for details on these WebPACK modules, including version compatibility and known issues.

WebPACK supports the following Xilinx CPLD families:

For details, refer to the CPLD Device Support tables.

WebPACK runs on Pentium-compatible PC platforms under the following operating systems:

WebPACK is not intended to be used in conjunction with any CD-based Xilinx software products, such as Alliance or Foundation software. The WebPACK HDL_ABEL and Programmer modules can, however, be used in conjunction with the Xilinx WebFITTER web-based CPLD fitter.

Note: Xilinx software "Service Packs" do not apply to WebPACK software. Any and all updates to WebPACK software are included in periodic revisions of the original WebPACK download modules. Specifically, WebPACK Version 2.1WP2.1 already includes all updates provided in Xilinx 2.1i Service Pack #1 that apply to WebPACK software tools.

Copyright Ó 1999 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.