
EPIC (Editor for Programmable Integrated Circuits)

EPIC is a low-level graphical editor used to display and configure your designs and Xilinx FPGAs. The main functions of EPIC are listed as follows.

Editing operations performed within EPIC change the configuration of the design and also change the design database. Editing functions include selecting, adding, and deleting objects, viewing and changing object attributes, copying components, swapping components and net pins, placing components, and routing.

EPIC has its own set of commands, many of which can be customized to suit your work style. You can invoke these commands by the use of pull-down menus, push buttons, command macros, hot keys and aliases, or by entering the commands on a command line within the EPIC window.

In addition to customizing commands, other EPIC tools may also be tailored to your needs. For example, you can do the following.

The following figure shows the EPIC file flow. For more information on EPIC, see the EPIC Design Editor Reference/User Guide.

Figure 3.5 EPIC
