
Starting EPIC

You can start EPIC in any of these four ways.

From the Start Dialog Box (Design Mode)

You can start an EPIC session by making selections from the Start dialog box. You must be using Windows NT on a PC or an X Window System on a UNIX workstation.

  1. Perform Step 2 if you are using a PC running Windows. Perform Step 3 if you are using a UNIX workstation.

  2. To open the Start dialog box, double-click the EPIC icon.

  3. To open the Start dialog box, enter the following command on the UNIX command line.


    The Start dialog box appears.

    Figure 2.1 Start Dialog Box

Opening an Existing Design

  1. Select Open Existing Design from the EPIC Start dialog box and click OK.

    The Open Design dialog box appears.

    Figure 2.2 Open Design Dialog Box

  2. Enter your design's file name in the Filename field.


    EPIC automatically opens a constraints file if it is located in the same directory and has the same root name as your design file.

  3. Select the Mode option button.

    In the option menu that appears, select one of the following.

  4. Click OK.

    Your design appears in the EPIC window.

Creating a New Design

  1. Select Create New Design from the EPIC Start dialog box and click OK.

    The New Design dialog box appears.

    Figure 2.3 New Design Dialog Box

  2. Enter a file name in the Design File field or use the Browse button to specify the design file name and directory.

  3. If applicable, enter a constraints file name in the Constraints File field or use the Browse button to specify the constraints file name and directory.

  4. Select the Architecture, Package, and the Speed of your design.

    You can only select packages that correspond to the part libraries installed on your system. For example, if the 3090 series part library is not installed, you cannot create a design using the 3090PC84 part.

  5. Select the Save current file toggle button, if you do not want to save changes made to your design.

    Leave the Save current design toggle button selected to save the current design.

  6. Click OK.

    The EPIC window appears displaying an empty design with the specified part and speed. You are placed in a mode that allows you to make logical changes to your design.

Starting EPIC From the Command Line (Design Mode)

You can start EPIC from the UNIX command line, the DOS prompt, or the Windows Program Manager.


On a UNIX workstation, the X Window System must be running before you can start EPIC.

  1. To start EPIC, select the applicable command(s) from the following table.

    The command syntax is described following.

    Table 2_1 Starting EPIC from the Command Line

    Existing or New Design
    Operating System
    Existing Design
    epic [-r | -e | -n] design_name.ncd pcffile_name .pcf -f command_file
    From the Windows Program Manager, select Run from the File menu.
    In the Run dialog box, enter:
    epic [-r | -e | -n] design_name.ncd pcffile_name .pcf -f command_file
    New Design
    epic -f command_file design_name.ncd pcffile_name .pcf arch device package speed
    From the Windows Program Manager, select Run from the File menu.
    In the Run dialog box, enter:
    epic -f command_file design_name.ncd pcffile_name .pcf arch device package speed

  2. The EPIC window appears with the specified design loaded or, if you have not specified an existing design, the EPIC window appears displaying an empty design with the specified part and speed. If you are creating a new design, you are placed in a mode that allows you to make logical changes to the design.


epic [-r | -e | -n] design_name.ncd pcffile_name.pcf -f command_file

To run EPIC on an existing design use the following.

epic [-n|-e|-r] ncd_file [pcf_file]

To run EPIC and create a new design use the following.

epic [-n|-e|-r] ncd_file [pcf_file] [arch| device| package| speed]

To run EPIC on an existing physical macro use the following.

epic [-e|-r] -m macro_file

To run EPIC to create a new physical macro use the following.

epic [-e|-r] -m macro_file [arch|device|package|speed]



See the “Opening an Existing Design” section for other mode options.


Read Only Mode - prevents overwriting your design. You can open and edit your design, but you cannot save changes to your original file. However, you can save your changes to a file with a different name.


Full Edit Mode - makes any changes to your design, including changes to the logical organization.


No Design Changes Mode (default mode) - makes placement and routing changes, but not changes to the logical organization. For example, you cannot add or delete nets and components or reprogram programmable components. This mode ensures that the design database is consistent with the schematic or netlist from which it was created.


Use this option to execute the command line arguments in the specified file. When you enter the above command line, the EPIC window appears, displaying an empty design using the designated part and speed. When you create a new design, you are placed in a mode that allows you to make logical changes to the design.
