
Appendix C

Fitter Command and Option Summary

This appendix describes how to invoke the CPLD fitter, and the commands used to prepare functional and timing simulation models. All of the available fitter options are described. This appendix contains the following sections:

Design Manager

The Design Manager invokes the Flow Engine (fitter) and option templates to control the fitting of your design.

Invoking the Fitter

  1. From the Design Manager select the file you want to process.

    File Open Project

    Select a file from the template's list or use the Browse key to search your directories for the file you want to process. If the file is listed on the template, highlight the file and click once on Open.

  2. Go to the Flow Engine and select options:

    Tools Flow Engine

    Setup Options

  3. The Design Implementation Option menu appears. Select:

    Edit Template

  4. Then select from the five tabs all the options you want to use and press OK.

  5. To run the fitter, click once on the run key found in the Flow Engine.

Fitter Options

This section describes fitter parameters that can be entered from the Design Manager.

The Implementation Options menu contains five tabs of options for the fitter. The following summarizes fitter options:

CPLD Command

The cpld command invokes the CPLD design implementation software (the fitter). The command is run in a UNIX command window. Your current working directory must be set to the project directory which contains your design source netlist files before invoking cpld.

Invoking the Fitter

The format of the cpld command is:

cpld [options] design_name

Invoking the cpld command with no parameters produces a listing of all available command-line options.

The design_name is the name of the top-level design netlist file, without path qualifiers, and either with or without extension. If design_name is specified without extension, the cpld command searches for source files in the following order:

  1. Synopsys Design Compiler or FPGA Compiler netlist (design_name.sxnf)

  2. Xilinx PLUSASM equation file (design_name.pld)

  3. XNF netlist (design_name.xnf)

  4. Synopsys Design/FPGA Compiler EDIF netlist (design_name.sedif)

  5. EDIF netlist (design_name.edn, design_name.edf or design_name.edif)

  6. Xilinx NGO (unexpanded) database file (

  7. Xilinx NGD (expanded) database file (design_name.ngd)

Fitter Options

The [options] field of the cpld command represents an optional list of one or more command-line parameters. Invoking the cpld command with just the design name and no option parameters runs the fitter with all default conditions, including automatic device selection.

The following are the cpld command-line parameters that apply to synthesis design entry: