
Implementing a Design

The following steps show you how to implement your design.

  1. In the Design Manager window, select Design Implement. The Implement Dialog Box appears, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 5.6 Implement Dialog Box

    The New Version Name field displays the version number of the design. For the first translation, “ver1” appears by default. With subsequent translations of the schematic design, the version number automatically increments.

    The New Revisions Name field displays the revision number of the design. For the first revision, “rev1” appears by default. With subsequent revisions of the same implementation of the design, the revision number automatically increments.

  2. If the input design netlist does not specify a part, fill in the Part field. Click on the Select button to choose the target device. The Part Selector Dialog Box appears, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 5.7 Part Selector Dialog Box

    In this dialog box, the Device field reflects only the parts for the family selected in the Family field. Similarly, the Package field displays only those packages suitable for the device selected. The Speed Grade field displays only those speed grades for the part and package selected.

  3. Select the family, device, package, and speed grade appropriate for your device. Click on OK.

Setting up the Implementation Options

Design Manager uses the Flow Engine to implement a design. Before invoking the Flow Engine, however, set up any options you want applied to this design.

To modify the implementation options used by the Flow Engine, click on the Options button. The Options dialog box opens, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 5.8 Options Dialog Box

From this dialog box, you have access to a number of Flow Engine options.

Setting Implementation Options

After clicking on the Edit Template... button next to Implementation, the Implementation Options dialog box opens. This dialog box contains implementation options specific to the specified family of Xilinx device. The following figure shows this dialog box for the XC4000 family.

Figure 5.9 Implementation Options Dialog Box

This dialog box allows access to the more common options used in the Flow Engine. The tabs at the top of this window separate the options into four subdivisions.

The Flow Engine produces a Viewlogic-compatible EDIF file for timing simulation. See the “Timing Simulation” chapter for more information about the timing simulation flow.

Consult the Design Manager/Flow Engine Reference/User Guide for more detailed information about the options available in the Implementation Options dialog box.

Click on OK to save these settings or Cancel to discard any changes. Either button closes the Implementation Options dialog box.

Setting Configuration Options

After clicking on the Edit Template... button next to Configuration, the Configuration Options dialog box opens. This dialog box contains configuration options specific to the specified family of Xilinx devices. The next figure shows this dialog box for the XC4000 family.

Figure 5.10 Configuration Options Dialog Box

This dialog box allows access to the more common options used when producing the configuration bitstream. The tabs at the top of this window separate the options into four subdivisions.

Consult the Design Manager/Flow Engine Reference/User Guide for more detailed information about the options available in the Configuration Options dialog box.

For both of these dialog boxes, the Default button resets all of the options in that dialog box to their default settings. Use the Help button to access the Design Manager online help.

Click on OK to save these settings or Cancel to discard any changes. Either button closes the Configuration Options dialog box.

In the Options dialog box, click on OK to return to the Implement dialog box.

Running the Flow Engine

Now that all the options have been set, click on Run in the Implement dialog box. The Flow Engine window opens and begins running. Refer to the following figure.

Figure 5.11 Flow Engine Window

The Flow Engine creates a placed and routed NCD file, a bitstream used to configure the Xilinx device, and an EDIF file used to perform a timing simulation. For more information about the functionality and use of the Flow Engine, consult the Design Manager/Flow Engine Reference/User Guide.

Using the Report Browser

After you complete the steps in the Flow Engine, you can generate reports. You can access these reports via the Report Browser. From either the Design Manager or the Flow Engine, select Utilities Report Browser. The next figure illustrates the Report Browser after the Flow Engine completes processing.

Figure 5.12 Report Browser

The Report Browser not only keeps track of available reports but also indicates if those reports are new. Unread reports get a yellow star in the upper left corner of the report icon.

  1. To review a report, double-click on its icon with the left mouse button.

    The report opens in a text editor so you can review it. You can also edit the report and save it in a new area. After you view a report, the yellow star in the upper left corner disappears.

  2. To close the Report Browser, click on the X box in the upper right-hand corner.


To change the program used to view the reports, select File Preferences from the Design Manager. You can use wordpad.exe, found in the Program Files\Accessories directory.
