
Hardware Description Languages

Hardware description languages (HDLs) are used to describe the architecture and behavior of discrete electronic systems.

HDLs were developed to deal with increasingly complex designs. An analogy is often made to the development of software description languages; from machine code (transistors and solder) to assembly language (netlists) to high-level languages (HDLs).

Top-down, HDL-based system design is most useful in large projects, where several designers or teams of designers are working concurrently. HDLs provide structured development. After major architectural decisions have been made and major components and their connections have been identified, work can proceed independently on subprojects.

Typical Uses for HDLs

HDLs typically support a mixed-level description, where structural or netlist constructs can be mixed with behavioral or algorithmic descriptions. With this mixed-level capability, you can describe system architectures at a high level of abstraction; then incrementally refine a design into a particular component-level or gate-level implementation. Alternatively, you can read an HDL design description into Foundation Express, then direct the compiler to synthesize a gate-level implementation automatically.

Advantages of HDLs

A design methodology that uses HDLs has several fundamental advantages over a traditional gate-level design methodology. Some of the advantages are listed below.

A component that expects a four-bit-wide signal type cannot be connected to a three- or five-bit-wide signal; this mismatch causes an error when the HDL description is compiled. If a variable's range is defined as 1 to 15, an error results from assigning it a value of 0. Incorrectly using types is a major source of errors in descriptions. Type checking catches this kind of error in the HDL description even before a design is generated.
