In the following VHDL fragment, A and B are operands, + is an operator, and A + B is an expression.
C := A + B; -- Computes the sum of two values
You can use expressions in many places in a design description. Expressions can be used in any of the following ways.
- Assigned to variables or signals or used as the initial values of constants
- Used as operands to other operators
- Used for the return value of functions
- Used for the IN parameters in a subprogram call
- Assigned to the OUT parameters in a procedure body
- Used to control the actions of statements like if, loop, and case
To understand expressions for VHDL, consider the individual components of operators and operands.
- Logical operators
- Relational operators
- Adding operators
- Unary (sign) operators
- Multiplying operators
- Miscellaneous arithmetic operators
- Computable operands
- Literals
- Identifiers
- Indexed names
- Slice names
- Aggregates
- Attributes
- Function calls
- Qualified expressions
- Type conversions