
CPLD Attributes Used in ABEL Files

webpack00090000.gif ISTYPE 'KEEP'
(Preserves internal nodes in both ABEL compiler and design implementation.)

webpack00090000.gif ISTYPE 'RETAIN'
(Preserves redundant logic terms in both ABEL and design implementation.)

webpack00090000.gif XILINX PROPERTY 'FAST | SLOW output_pin...';
(Selects output slew rate for output pins in top-level XABEL design.)

webpack00090000.gif XILINX PROPERTY 'BUFG=CLK | OE | SR input_pin...';
(Assigns global buffers to internal nets or to input pins in a top-level XABEL design.)

webpack00090000.gif XILINX PROPERTY 'INIT=R | S reg_signal...';
(Defines initial state of registers.)

webpack00090000.gif XILINX PROPERTY 'PWR_MODE=LOW | STD signal_name...';
(Selects macrocell power mode for nodes or outputs in CPLD designs.)

webpack00090000.gif XILINX PROPERTY 'REG=CE | TFF reg_signal...';
(REG=CE forces the CE pin to be implemented using the clock enable product term of the XC9500XL or XC9500XV macrocell. REG=CE attributes are ignored for XC9500 macrocells. REG=TFF indicates that the register is to be implemented with a T-type-flip-flop. REG=TFF on a D-type-flip-flop will cause the D-input expression to be converted to a T-input expression.)

webpack00090000.gif XILINX PROPERTY 'TNM=group_name signal_name...';
(Tags registered signals with a Timing-group name to be used in a Timespec.)